No more pills,
Avoid the surgery,
Pin point what's really going on and fix it.
Find your answers & relief
with Dr. Arianna Coe,
Doctor of Natural Medicine DSNM, LCHT,
Wellness Counselor
Vital Health Screening to identify the issue
Customized Therapeutic Healing Programs to correct it
Monthly Health Programs for healthy lifestyle support.
Natural Medicine, SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Therapy, Homeopathy, Ayurveda,
Nutritional Counseling, Emotional Balancing, Detoxification, Traditional Indigenous Sacred Medicine and many other health services.
with Dr. Arianna Coe,
Doctor of Natural Medicine DSNM, LCHT,
Wellness Counselor
Vital Health Screening to identify the issue
Customized Therapeutic Healing Programs to correct it
Monthly Health Programs for healthy lifestyle support.
Natural Medicine, SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Therapy, Homeopathy, Ayurveda,
Nutritional Counseling, Emotional Balancing, Detoxification, Traditional Indigenous Sacred Medicine and many other health services.

You can be well.
Find the "you are here" star on the health map so you and Dr. Coe can plan a smart course with:
Vital Health Screenings
feel relief with
SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Therapy
as part of your Custom Designed Therapeutic Program.
Once you're on track,
receive ongoing support with the
Monthly Health Program
Do you have an autoimmune disorder?
Chronic Fatigue? Fibromyalgia? Lupus? Fighting chronic degenerative disease of one kind or another? Chances are there is something Dr. Coe can do help you with your struggle. Set up your consultation, Feel better, call NOW! |
More about addressing autoimmune disorders.
For your care to work it must be truly holistic

For your natural healthcare to be effective it can't rely on only one kind of therapy, remedy or supplement. You are complex and so are your issues, likely there are multiple aspects involved that need to be addressed. Dr. Coe LISTENS to you and looks at your structural, nutritional, emotional, and environmental status to help you make changes where needed. She includes the whole YOU when creating a strategy for YOUR healing.
One of the tools used for this is SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Therapy, with SomaVeda® Thai Yoga you receive a unique treatment in every session to address your current situation and avoid the ineffective repetition of many commonly used, less effective approaches. Instead you'll achieve lasting change with our Therapeutic Day protocols.
One of the tools used for this is SomaVeda® Thai Yoga Therapy, with SomaVeda® Thai Yoga you receive a unique treatment in every session to address your current situation and avoid the ineffective repetition of many commonly used, less effective approaches. Instead you'll achieve lasting change with our Therapeutic Day protocols.
Thai Yoga uses the whole body to treat the whole body. This allows the practitioner to work more effectively without causing injury to the client or creating occupational disability for themselves.
(865) 660-8895
Call now to schedule.
Counseling via facetime and zoom available.
E-mail: Humiovi Thai Yoga Institute
Address: Bays Mountain Rd. Knoxville, TN 37920
Call now to schedule.
Counseling via facetime and zoom available.
E-mail: Humiovi Thai Yoga Institute
Address: Bays Mountain Rd. Knoxville, TN 37920