Weak immune system?
In Pain?
Lost your flexibility?
Do I have to be flexible to do this?![]() You do not have to be flexible, strong or even mobile! This therapy works on every body type at any stage in life and at any stage of illness, disease or health. Don't let the photos fool you, movements are applied only to the extent of the clients' capabilities. We will only move you through positions appropriate for you!
Among the MANY benefits of SomaVeda® Thai Yoga, the following are some of the most common:
- Increased range of motion, flexibility and general mobility - Reduces stress and enhances sense of well being - Relaxes, loosens and relieves tight muscles - Reduces pain and referred pain from trigger points - Enhances the body/mind/psyche connection - Reduces swelling and edema increasing circulation of fluid and oxygen to deficient areas - Reduces the harmful effects of negative emotions - Effective on psycho-somatic and psychological illness - Balances Chakras and promotes circulation of vital energies -Reduces chronic fatigue and related syndromes - Improves posture - Effective on soft tissue related disorders - Alleviates stress and emotional related infertility and impotence - Balances the five essential elements of life (Ether, Air, Fire, Water, Earth) Call to arrange your consultation 865-660-8895 SpaArianna@yahoo.com |
Is this an exercise class?
No, this is a single person therapy and Dr. Coe does all the work. You simply lay back, breathe and relax. SomaVeda® Thai Yoga is performed in loose comfortable garments, like those you might wear to do gentle exercise or sleep in. The therapist supports and moves your body through co-facilitated postures (called asana), with gentle rocking, deep stretching and rhythmic compressions to encourage your body back to it’s healthy natural state in a mindful way. SomaVeda® Thai Yoga creates a singular healing experience, bringing fundamental elements and energy into harmony. It creates wholeness of mind, body, and spirit in both the client and the therapist, and is wonderful for rehabilitation, pain relief, and stress reduction. Experience the nurturing, calming, and enlivening effects of this wonderful therapy. What is the Therapeutic Day Protocol?
A therapeutic day program is 9-14 hours of hands on SomaVeda® Thai Yoga therapy divided over a series of at least seven sessions.
A program begins with Ayurvedic and Naturopathic medical assessments, thorough health history investigation and consultation. With this information, we are better able to customize the sessions to meet each client’s unique and individual needs. This introduction between you and Dr. Coe is followed by a general whole-body balancing session for the purpose of basic 'house cleaning' as well as hands on assessment. The remaining sessions (each one unique) focus intensively on various parts of the body, nutrition, supplements, emotions and mind. Dr. Coe teaches techniques to address unresolved negative emotions. A simple method you can then practice on your own as needed. A traditional therapeutic day consists of 9-14 hours of therapy and is carried out over 7 sessions. More sessions may be added if adjunct therapies are deemed appropriate. Additional therapies that may be used: Herbal remedies, Homeopathic remedies, Complex Decongestive Therapy, Aromatherapy, SomaVeda® BET/Bio-tapping, Cranio-Sacral therapy, Ayurvedic Pancha Karma (detoxifying and stress reducing herbal oil treatments,) Reiki, Reflexology and even personalized cooking and meal plan strategies. This can be decided at the start of a program or discussed as concerns come to the surface during the series. For the fastest benefits, it is recommended the sessions be done in close succession. Do I have to commit to a program, or can I come just once? Of course you may schedule a single visit. If after that visit you choose to participate in a program designed specifically for your current health concerns, simply ask and it can be arranged. A specific Therapeutic Day protocol will then be designed for you.
For an additional fee Dr. Coe is also willing to travel. |